Monday, October 29, 2012

Thank you for attending : Mobile Application Development ( Phase 1 )

Held: @OUFLab Mzambarauni
Number of participants: 17
Topic: Mobile Application Development ( Phase 1 ).
Dear Developers,
I would like to personally thank each of you for giving up your valuable Saturday and attending our first ever "Mobile Application Development Phase 1". As i promised second phase will include programming and we will use Android, HTML5 and Java in developing those applications.
A big "thanks" goes out to the Founder of Gunda Foundation for introducing OUFLab to madam Leah, the founder of Pick Go Pay, Salum, Kennedy and all Certificates, Diploma and Bachelor Students from KIU and IFM.
Big up to Haji Gae business student who decided to join us.
What a fantastic start! Looking towards the future,
Wilhelm Caspar Oddo

“I have this faith in me that “I can do better” in each and every thing as long as I have the opportunity, time, facilities, knowledge and support from myself and the environment in general. I am confident that I can do better for I have a desire and passion of making contribution to my community......”.
All reactions:
Jackline Joseph, Jorge Novati Rutenge and 4 others

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